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A Crystal Consult provides you with an intuitively chosen selection of crystals and guidance to support and empower you through whatever life throws your way. These crystals are infused with Reiki energy to provide further healing and manifesting power. With a Crystal Consult, I will teach you how you can utilise the energy of your crystals to manifest your greatest desires and heal your deepest wounds.  This service allows you to receive healing energy throughout your day while raising your vibration and clearing away old energies.


I will tune into your Energy, Chakra system and hand select 5 crystals to best suit you. I will take note of any information you wish me to focus on such as Anxiety relief, Fertility struggles, Developing your intuition, Grief/recent passing, manifesting financial success or keeping you safe while travelling - the list is endless. I will provide a description of how each crystal will benefit you and how to utilise their energy throughout your day to day life. I will also pull an oracle card for you to support your journey moving forward and post them out to you in a beautiful little package. 

Crystals are a beautiful healing tool I use every single day to support not only my spiritual practices but also to realign and manifest the best version of myself. I am so excited to introduce this new service and see how far the healing can go!

Crystal Consult

  • This service is not eligible for a return or refund.

  • I will post your crystals to you within 7 working days of purchase and send you the tracking link via email.

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